What is Irys❓

Irys is the only provenance layer. It enables users to scale permanent data and precisely attribute its origin. By tracing and verifying where data comes from, Irys paves the way to incorporate accountability into all information.

Our vision & mission 🌅


To be a witness for humanity


To scale access to strong provenance by empowering builders to accelerate its adoption

Culture & values 🕺

Community-centric: Support the Irys community’s needs

Decentralization: Advocates for the distribution of authority, power, and control

Transparency: Champion openness and honesty in all interactions and processes

Growth mindset: Encourage continual learning and improvement, in team members’ personal and professional lives

First-principles thinking: Promote reasoning from fundamental truths rather than relying on existing assumptions or beliefs

Diversity of opinion: Value varied perspectives and trust that differing viewpoints lead to better decisions

Strong opinions held weakly: Maintain strong views but remain open to change when presented with compelling evidence or arguments

Build with purpose: Ensure that every action and decision aligns with the vision and contributes positively to the intended outcomes

Bias towards action: When faced with uncertainty, lean towards taking action

Ruthless prioritization: Adhere to the Pareto Principle, the idea that 80% of results come from 20% of the work, and focus on prioritizing the most impactful efforts

Grit: Value resilience, perseverance, and a hard-working mentality in the face of challenges

Ownership: take ownership of your tasks, decisions, and Irys